By completing this form, you acknowledge the above society supports the mission and strategy of action of the Societies Consortium on Sexual Harassment in STEMM.
Final Membership: Effective when the Executive Committee has determined that the society meets the eligibility criteria as listed below and notifies the society of such:
- a natural, social or behavioral science, technology, engineering, mathematics, or medical (STEMM) academic and/or professional society that relies on the scientific method and peer review as the predominant arbiters of credible STEMM research, or that it is a closely supporting or affiliated society, all as determined by the Executive Committee, and
- whose home base (primary office) is located within the U.S. (Societies with home bases in other countries are expected to have affiliation or membership opportunities once the Societies Consortium is established and has capacity.)
Term of Membership (once confirmed): 3 years beginning the data of confirmation.
Early Membership Termination:
- By Society: If the Societies Consortium receives a termination notice from the Society at on or before October 1st of any year, the Society’s membership will end on December 31st of that year.
- By Societies Consortium: The Executive Committee may terminate a membership after notice, based on criteria related to sustained lack of good standing or adverse effect on the Societies Consortium’s integrity
Character of Societies Consortium/Member Benefits: Societies that are independent contractors are guiding and receiving collective benefits to advance the Societies Consortium mission; the Societies Consortium is not a legal entity; does not employ any staff; and is not a contracting entity.
Membership Benefits Menu:
- A. Early access to robust deliverables that will help Members address sexual harassment in their own operations and in the field effectively-as well as time- and cost- efficiently:
- 1. E.g., Model Policy Options, Policy/Law Guidance, Practical Tools
- B. Input into what the deliverables are, as well as on direction and substance in development
- C. Voting rights as leaders to endorse Model Policy Options-and any other Consortium-backed policy-setting direction for societies and the field
- D. Receipt of periodic federal policy and court, and research updates on developments
- E. Invitations to meetings/calls-at least 2 to 4 per year (additional calls are possible in year 1/2019)-for interaction with peer societies and in-person guidance from experts
- F. Voting rights on changes in the menu of membership benefits or voting rights or, for affected societies, on any increase in fees over baseline amounts
- 1. With one month advance, specific notice, a majority of Members that actually vote at a meeting or by written (email) consent constitutes Members’ action
Specific services from the menu annually depend on a contract between EducationCounsel and Sponsoring Societies, as well as a work plan (developed with Members’ input) and adequate budget to be approved annually by the Executive Committee. Annual budget and work plan transparency for Members is required and is a responsibility of the Executive Committee.
Annual Budget and Use of Member Fees: The annual budget (covering the work plan and other consortium costs) is funded by Members’ fees and any external funding; the annual work plan of deliverables (annual benefits for Members from the menu) is developed with Members’ input; the budget and work plan are approved by the Executive Committee, which will oversee value for Members/STEMM fields and advancement of the mission, and is responsible to provide transparency of budget and work plan for Members.
For an outline of the structure and governance of the Societies Consortium, please review the Governance and Operations Manual and the Amplification Policy.
Annual Baseline Membership Fee
Member societies commit to an annual membership fee due by January 2nd of each year, but may be paid in two equal installments (by January 2nd and July 1st of each year). Payments in December to utilize available end-of-year funding will be invoiced if requested.
Fees are not intended to be a barrier to participation by lower revenue societies or due to first-year funding cycle misalignment for any society. To reflect this, member societies’ annual membership fee is calculated on a sliding scale based on a society’s annual revenue. Please review the following tiers to determine your annual baseline membership fee.
Annual Revenue |
Tier |
Annual Membership Fee |
N/A |
Sponsoring Society |
$15,000 to $25,000 |
>$75,000,000 |
Tier 1 |
$25,000 |
$20,000,000 to $74,999,999 |
Tier 2 |
$10,000 |
$10,000,000 to $19,999,999 |
Tier 3 |
$7,500 |
$5,000,000 to $9,999,999 |
Tier 4 |
$5,000 |
$3,000,000 to $4,999,999 |
Tier 5 |
$2,500 |
$1,000,000 to $2,999,999 |
Tier 6 |
$1,000 |
<$1,000,000 |
Tier 7 |
$500 |
* Societies for which Tier 6 or Tier 7 is not affordable or that have other special circumstances (e.g. budget cycle timing for year 1) should contact the Executive Committee for assistance at Before emailing, please complete the membership form and indicate the Tier that is based on your annual revenue.