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One charge of the Societies Consortium is to create a variety of documents and resources to assist societies, their members, and ultimately the STEMM field to implement policies that are intended to address sexual harassment in STEMM fields. Such documents and resources are organized in the following categories.
NOTE: Some resources created by EC will be available only to members of the Societies Consortium for a period of time determined by the Executive Committee and subject to the Members’ Copyright and Intellectual Property License Agreement.
If you are interested in having early access to Consortium resources by becoming a member of the Societies Consortium, please click here. A creative commons license will eventually be provided for non-commercial use of EC Work Product by non-members so that the entire STEMM field can benefit from Consortium-developed resources.
Case Study Library
The Societies Consortium Case Study Library aims to help both societies and IHEs engage their overlapping communities and build more inclusive and equitable STEMM fields. View Documents.
Courageous & Transformative Leadership Collection
This collection of short videos are intended to highlight how society leaders have navigated the work leading their organization through change, in order to promote efforts related to equity and excellence. View videos.
Model Policies
Established, documented principles, expectations, and requirements for professional and ethical conduct of all participants in the STEMM field (a) while attending, volunteering, or working at meetings and events, (b) while performing society- (or other entity-) related duties or roles, and (c) in their non-society (or non-entity) work in lab, research groups, practice, or off-site field research and education settings (and, to the extent relevant to their work, their personal conduct). View Documents.
Policy and Law Guidance
Guidance regarding implementation of various policies and the legal design parameters that need to be satisfied but do not define effective policies or procedures. Such guidance is not to be considered legal advice or counsel. View Documents.
Practical Implementation Tools
Operational resources to support the goals of societies (and other entities in the STEMM field) to create inclusive conduct, climate and culture by promoting professional and ethical conduct, diversity, inclusion, and equity, removing the barrier of sexual and intersecting bases of harassment. View Documents.
Societies Consortium Guiding Documents
Overarching documents that describe the vision and goals of the Consortium. Additionally, a variety of useful documents for prospective members and current members, including the Consortium’s workplan and an overview of the Consortium’s approach to the work. View Documents.